


The original owner and Stone Mason began building his “forever home” in 2008, with a vision to create a home that took in the splendour of Proper Bay. Through a labour of love, Tulka House took 12 years to build.

Passionate about detail and quality, the owner shipped limestone from Stoneridge Quarries in Western Australia. These natural & reconstituted Limestone blocks are now a standout feature and are prominent in the walls of the property, complimented by local Duck Pond Stone, from an old building on Mortlock Terrace in Port Lincoln. Other upcycled materials include Oregon timber beams salvaged from an old warehouse in Port Lincoln.

Tulka is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences, while also offering the finest accommodation. 


Captain Matthew Flinders (16 March 1774 – 19 July 1814) a British navigator and cartographer who led the first inshore circumnavigation of mainland Australia, was the first person to utilise the name Australia to describe the entirety of that continent. Proper Bay played an integral role into the success of the circumnavigation.

From his journal dated Friday 26th February, 1802, “The boat has returned from Boston Island, unsuccessful in her search for water; and we therefore proceed upward.”

“Fresh water being at this time the most pressing of our wants, I set off the same afternoon, with a party, to examine the lake or mere discovered from Stamford Hill.”

“After walking 2 miles, we reached the lake, but to our mortification, the water was brackish, and not drinkable.”

“The sun being too near the horizon to admit of going round the mere, our way was bent towards the ship; and finding a moist place with a hundred yards of the port, I caused a hole to be dug there.”

“Water drained in, which was perfectly sweet”.

To summarise – Proper Bay, Tulka, was the place that Captain Matthew Flinders spent 3 days barreling 60 tons/13,500 gallons of fresh water from the Uley South Basin. This water source proved valuable for Flinders and his crew to continue their exploration of the mainland of Australia.

Flinders’ Map of Sleaford Bay and Proper Bay

We look forward to you enjoying
the sand, the sea and the


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